
Service Name: Services::CONFIG

The Baleen CLI framework allows you to easily define your configuration’s schema using Symfony\Config definitions. A default schema is provided that covers the basic structure.

The default configuration schema is as follows:

    // list of Providers to load
    'providers' => [
        'key' => 'My\Provider', // FQCN
        // ...
    // config for the Repository service
    'migrations' => [
        'directory' => '/path/to/migrations',
        'namespace' => 'Migrations\Namespace', // for autoloading
    // config for the Storage service
    'storage' => [
        'file' => '/path/to/storage.txt', // path to storage file

Throughout this tutorial we refer to specific configuration options using a dot (.) to indicate nesting levels. E.g. the configuration file location can be specified with the “storage.file” option.


The “migrations” section in the configuration corresponds to the Repository. But we decided to name it “migrations” simply because that would be a more recognizable name for end-users who are not familiar with the nomenclature we use at Baleen.

Customizing the Configuration

If you’re building your own migrations library based on Baleen CLI you can easily customize the configuration definition and main configuration class to your needs. If you read any of the other guides most of the process should be familiar by now, but there are a couple of unique considerations - the main configuration file must:

  • Provide default configuration values that comply with the Definition.
  • Accept a configuration that’s compliant to the Definition.

Therefore if you change the configuration class, its likely you’ll have to change the Definition, and vice-versa.

Configuration Class

To customize the configuration class simply create a new class that implements ConfigInterface and adds any additional functionality you may need. Then provide the class in the container under the key mentioned at the top of this page.

A set of methods that’s important to mention is ConfigInterface::getDefaults and the Config::get{SECTION}Defaults family of methods (e.g. Config::getProviderDefaults). The main getDefaults() method should return a complete array of defaults, which is what will be used to create the end-user’s configuration file when the user runs the config:init command. The other methods in the family are in charge of returning defaults for the specified section. This is not enforced by the interface, but its useful if you only want to customize the “storage” defaults but not the rest. See the next section for further explanation.

Another method that’s important to note is ConfigInterface::getDefinition. It must return an instance of Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface.


For more information about the methods declared in ConfigInterface refer to the referenced docs.

If the changes to your configuration class don’t affect the default definition then just return the default definition. Otherwise read the next section.

Definition Class

The definition class is simply a class that implements Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface. So if you want to start your configuration from scratch just implement that interface on a clean class.

Baleen’s configuration definition is broken down into multiple methods to make it easy to customize only certain sections of the configuration. For example, if all you need is to customize the “storage” section of the definition:

  1. Create a new Definition class that extends Definition.
  2. Override the :php:meth:Definition::addStorageNode method and supply your own rules for that node.
  3. The method must return an instance of Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\NodeDefinition.

The Definition class is not offered as a service. Its only accessible through the main configuration class’ ConfigInterface::getDefinition function. So if you have to change the definition you will always have to override the main Config class as well.